Please feel free to contact us


♢We will never use your personal information above for any purpose other than contacting you regarding treatment.

♢At the moment our therapy is not covered by insurance. But this salon is still an official business.

Our mail:

We will reply within 24 hours. If you don’t get a reply, please send me an email again. Thanking you in advance.

(※GMAIL is recommended. hotmail may not reach us, in that case, please use gmail or send us a DM via instagram.)

instagram →



Mon, Tue, Thu, Fri 10:00-14:00

♢Careful therapy limited to 3 people per day

Closes irregularly. In some cases, our therapy can be performed at other dates and times. Please contact us for more information.


Bovenkerk, Amstelveen

After confirming your reservation, we will give you a detailed address.